Day 17 - heard often on the radio:
"*Fook*in' Perfect"
You should know by now that I typically listen to college radio - it's not mainstream music at all; mine is found at 88.1 FM, and you can probably find the college station for your city near there on your radio's dial. {Here, scroll down and check this listing for yours!} I *love* listening to 88.1 because it's music I wouldn't normally hear of... local bands, obscure bands, singer/songwriters, and demos. There is also a great variety because (1) the students are the DJs and have music interests everywhere from Classical, to Bluegrass, to Gospel, to Heavy Metal, and all points between on the spectrum; and (2) each show only lasts 2 hours, with each DJ putting on one show per week... maayyybe two shows, depending on the DJ. I've listened often enough to know that it can EASILY take 6 months for the same song to play twice (and I mean 6 months - the repeats are extremely rare). I did hear one song twice; it was the same DJ, and it was about 4 months from the first time I'd heard her play it. Haven't heard it on the radio since, but I own that song now so it's okay! I have discovered so much great music in the last few years!
OH! And the best part of college radio? Almost *zero* commercials. Any ads mentioned are for local places: a local bookstore, a local bakery, local Italian food place (tasty stuff, according to Ardeo), free concerts that may happen at a nearby resale shop, etc.; and the commercials are maybe once per show? Awesome! It's the good stuff that matters and is within walking distance. That's a whole lotta win in my book!!
However, I knew this post would come... since I have a handy list of prompts for this month's rambling posts. ;)
So, this morning while I sorted laundry (cuz my life is just soooo interesting....), I listened to the 'top hits for today' kind of music station. At some point, the above song came on - the clean version, since it IS the teeny-bopper station! - and I liked it. My only clues before writing this were the DJ saying "Here's Pink! You're listening to {something owned by ClearChannel - go figure!}" blah blah I quit listening to the guy. Laundry sorted, I came to the computer and went to Billboard's website to find the Hot 100 chart for last week. Currently, this song is at #12 but it's been popular for 15 weeks.... therefore, I'm going to bet it's been played a lot. I like the way it sounds, and will look for it on iTunes and stick it in my cart.
Here: MTV wrote a better article than I could have. The gist of what I'm reading is that it's an anti-bullying video/song. That's a great message to put out right now, so we have another win here!
Now since new/pop music isn't really my genre, I'm going to stop writing here for today. Tomorrow should be much easier, as will the rest of the month, since I can go back to pulling tunes from my iPod library.... that's one of my favorite activities. =D
*(Yes, she says the F word. In my world, it's just another word. There is a clean version somewhere but I'm using this one, as it is from Pink's YouTube channel. Nothing better than a direct link to the artist when it can be found!)*

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