~ Our family had a lot of birthdays in May, and earlier this week we added another May baby! Welcome our new sweet nephew, Xavier! {Click here for Part 1 - Click here for Part 2} I think he looks a LOT like his big brother!! We can't wait to meet him, and I'm hoping we can visit in July sometime!
~ I spent at least 3 days a week looking for work. Every week. Still working on that, but am sewing things in the meantime and hoping to sell some here and there. I also have cleaned out my closet and found a few purses/bags I could maybe sell! So far no one is interested but I'm not giving up yet.
~ Miss Hurricane turned 8 last week, but luckily we didn't end up with a ton of new toys to take up space (she doesn't have) in the bedroom. That's another area we're trying to pare down, is her toys! She doesn't seem to be outgrowing the toys yet though... but she is outgrowing her clothes. She's growing up *sniff* :(
~ I turned 34 yesterday... and today I can feel it in my bones. I know the real reason for that, and it ain't my age, folks. Dad's employer recently had an open house; the boy and I went with him to see his lab and a tour of where he works (and has for 32 years!), and at point we found a scale. Well, Dad knew it was there, he steps on it every week. :D So Mister Twister stepped up, and he's now 112 pounds at 5'2" tall. He will be 13 in August... this mancub will soon be the tallest person in our house! *eep*
Well you've probably guessed - I, too, stepped on that damn scale. Here's the breakdown: I was down to 194 about 2 years ago, which was my lightest adult weight. Last year, when Ardeo lost his job and was at home all the time, I quit exercising at all (long story for another time). In October I quit smoking (yay!) and started eating more (boo!), still not exercising. I won't count the 5 week sickness I had. So, since quitting smoking, I have gained at least 20 pounds and I was obviously overweight to begin with. And THAT is what I feel in my bones - the weight. As far as clothing fit, I'm back to what I weighed at the end of high school. I don't know for sure what my weight was back then, but I know what size I was wearing compared to the size I wore just two years ago - and it's a big difference. This sucks, I'm disgusted, and as I'm starting a new personal year, I'm going to change it. To hell with swimsuit season, I just want to feel like I actually *belong* in this body. Right now, I don't. It feels foreign to me, this current body does not feel like *mine*. That may not make sense, but it's the best description I can come up with right now.
~ I spent yesterday at the elementary school for Miss Hurricane's field day, and her end-of-year class party! I have pictures, but I do not have everyone's permission to post (and only one of my child) so I need time to go through them. I am making a DVD for her teacher, which she can share with the other parents if she wants. The party theme was Hawaii - I have pics of some decor - and the kids had a blast! We had Virgin Coladas (we parents joked that we'd split the rest for home use, so we could add rum later!), Hawaiian Punch, Pineapple Cake, Fruit Salad, and cookies and pretzels; the kids watched a bit of Lilo & Stitch
Until dinner, when I was surprised with birthday pizza. <3 Hey, I didn't have to cook! LOL I think that covers most of it. It's a long weekend and I have plenty of housework to do (don't we always?!) so I'd best hop to it! I'll be walking outside later and that's a good start. Be safe and have fun this weekend! Blessings!

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