Tuesday, March 3

We've been busy!

Poseidon and I have been trying to get everything scanned around here... last night we were finally able to start on the photos! We have (on his computer, so I can't post any yet) all the pictures from Miss Hurricane's tea party at church in October 2007 scanned so far ~ which leaves two full photo boxes and a small shoebox with all the other random pics in it, plus one photo album. Since our anniversary is 18 days from today (yay!!!) I want to get our wedding/honeymoon pictures done next. Then everything else whenever we can get to it.
We are almost finished planning out our anniversary trip. Not going far - only a day's driving time all together - but I wanted to get him out of the house and out of town for at least one night. I think it's been at least a year since he got out of this town for a bit ~ long overdue! And it's just going to be over the weekend but that's enough this year.
The following week is Spring Break for our kids, and for my MIL. So, they're going camping out west of here for a few days, and the two of us might take a separate trip at the same time. Still up in the air but we'd like to go somewhere if we can!
Not much else new here... as it stands the kids will be in school until June 4th due to making up snow days. (Hey Mom, let's plan my birthday party for after that, okay? We'll talk about it.) It's still cold here daily. I'm SO ready for Spring! To keep my mood up I listen to my "Island Playlist" most days ~ lots of steel drum music, Jimmy Buffett, and the soundtrack from Lilo & Stitch. If I can picture warmer weather, I'm happier :-)

In the words of Jimmy, "I wanna go where it's warm..." like where we were married...

Dreaming of the Islands ~

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