We're in the thick of summer, and July is actually kind of busy for us. Sunday, my BIL and his family are coming down from DTW to spend a week and hold my nephew's 3rd birthday party! We haven't seen them since last July so we can't wait to go hang out with them! I need some snuggles from a little boy who isn't too old for snuggles :-)
July 12, Poseidon's baby sister is getting married!! I have to make sure, but I know she wanted to have our kids as ring bearer/flower girl when the date arrived. Now I'm trying to talk Hurricane Girl into it, it seems she doesn't want to drop flowers on the ground.... maybe the promise of wearing a pretty dress will help? We'll see. Boy is excited about it too, although I think it's because there's a treehouse on-site! I hope to have lots of good pictures from the day, and with their permission I'll share them here.
July 13 the kids and I leave for a week at Mom's. I was hoping to schedule it so that we could make it for Grandpa's birthday party, but yesterday in the mail was the invitiation for that being on the 27th. Now we'll have to shoot for the big reunion in August instead. While we're at Mom's, I've "booked" a picnic with two of my friends and their families! One I haven't met yet, but went to school with her husband. The other I've met, and also went to school with her husband. We're going to meet at a park and let all the kids play, plus we'll have my mom, D's mom, and C's mom and/or MIL - so the Nanas will be there too! I can't wait to see everybody there, and again, there will be pictures! Now I intend to come home either the 20th or 21st, the 21st being Grandpa's actual birthday so I've left a little 'wiggle room' there.
July 22nd, our other nephew will be one year old! Hard to believe how quickly time seems to fly.... we hope to see them too at some point!
July 28th.... the big, dreaded appointment. Both kids go to the Pedi for their yearly checkups - and shots. Boy looks to only have one, maybe two, but Miss Hurricane - well, she's scheduled for FIVE. I'm still looking into all of them, and may actually spread them out so I can catch any reactions to a particular vaccine. I'd like to skip them all altogether, but I've already started and can't take those back. Plenty of kids are delayed, and I see no point whatsoever in holding off for mine. Besides, they're both very healthy kids (both have been sick maybe twice in their lives - yaya for Mama Milk!!) and delaying some shots won't hurt them on little bit. There is a ton of reading I've done and still have to do, too, but I have some time left to decide.
That seems to be one busy month for us! I'm actually glad that we don't have any practices or games or things of that sort to deal with on top of it all.
August is the time of year for my Dad's family's big reunion. Second Sunday, every August, folks come in from all over. That means it's time for me to pull out my genealogy notes and figure out who to ask for some information! I also need to spend some time talking to my elders, as a few of them have popped into dreams lately and I've gotten a bit worried about it. This year, I should be able to make it to the reunion without time constraints, as the school year starts on the second Wednesday (8/13/08) instead of the usual second Monday.
I have to send my baby into Kindergarten! Who's going to hold my hand??

The first day will be the hardest, I know, but I think I'll wait until September to find a job. We'll need that time to recover :-)
So that's what I have been doing, and what's going on until school starts up again. Any family reading this should try to visit Mom's around the same time as us, I don't know when we'll be up again for more than a day - and I want to see everyone I can!!
Until then,