Wednesday, April 27

30 Days - April 27 ~ that I wish I could play

*{More bad weather today delayed this post. Welcome to April in the Midwest!}*

For the 30 days of music:

[Calypso Medley]

Van Dyke Parks Presents the Esso Trinidad Steel Band

What do I wish I could play? Just about anything on a steel drum! Brother Tim could play the steel drum, and I saw him do it at least twice. Just hearing steel drums puts me in a good mood! I'm sure it's supposed to ... but it makes me think of lounging on a beach, specifically in the Caribbean. I *L*O*V*E* the sound of steel drums.
I have a CD that I bought back in high school (that's 16 years ago now!!) and it is one of my favorites. I love to play it during the seasonal changes, especially during March, April and May. It really does help me to look forward and remind myself that 'it's almost summer time!!'.

Oh, I want to go back ... to the island....
You can choose your favorite island from this list...
I was married on the island of St. John, and have a friend who lives on St. Croix, in Christiansted.

Or, even plan a trip to visit for real:
Visit US Virgin Islands
Caribbean Travel: Destinations portal
Caribbean Travel Magazine
Definitive Caribbean

One of these days, when I'm filthy rich, I am totally moving myself to the Caribbean. Ardeo already wants a submarine when we hit the lottery, so I'll have the perfect place to drive it around!

^This is going to be my new bed.^

And one of these days, we'll actually buy a lottery ticket, so that we have the tiniest chance at that pipe dream! HA!

Enjoy the steel drum music ~ namaste!


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