Saturday, April 23

30 Days - April 23 ~ for my wedding

For the 30 days of music:

Day 23 ~ wanted to play at my wedding:


The Very Best Of Dan Fogelberg

I was married in March of 2002, on a Caribbean beach, barefoot in the sand..... ahhhh. So, while this was not played at my wedding, it was on the list to be played had we not eloped! ;)

I love Dan Fogelberg. The above song really makes me think of my dear husband; because of my personal belief in reincarnation, I am *certain* that he & I have been through a couple of lifetimes together already. {Here's a link for the lyrics - "Longer" is about 3/4 of the way down the page.} The song Ardeo & I named as "our" song is actually "Mystifies Me" by Son Volt; I had never heard of Son Volt until we started dating, but he really liked them (and that song) so it kind of 'stuck' as ours. We like it, too! =D
I think we are going to hang on to "Longer" for a time when we might renew our vows.... for which, we'd actually invite our families as well rather than traipsing off to an island!

Well, maybe. HA!


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